Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Help

Last night, I went to see The Help with some dear friends in the crowded theater in Madison, MS, where the movie debuted just a few weeks ago.  I'm so thankful my mom recommended the book to me.  It quickly became one of my very favorites.  The author, Kathryn Stockett, is from Jackson, and the book is set in Jackson.  Stockett eloquently portrays a difficult time in Southern history and gives articulate voices to women of that time.  It's pretty amazing that The Help was her first novel.

Stockett came to Oxford when I was in law school for a book signing at Square Books.  My mom drove to Oxford, and we went together.  The crowd was small, and we were able to meet her and Octavia Spencer, the actress who played Minnie.  It's a wonderful memory with my mom that I'll always cherish.

Because I was truly sad when the book ended, I was thrilled when I found out a movie was in the works.  Many times seeing a movie after reading the book is a disappointment.  Not this time.  The movie was fabulous.  I cried out loud, laughed out loud, and once again felt like I had known the characters forever.  The acting was absolutely incredible.  I would highly recommend reading the book and watching the movie to anyone.  It's especially interesting if you're familiar with Jackson, because there are several scenes from the Jackson area.  I hope you'll take the time to see it!


  1. I'm so glad to hear your review of the movie and that it lived up to this wonderful book!! :) I cannot wait to see the movie now!!

  2. Sarah Ann...If this whole "Lawyering Thing" doesn't work out for would make a fantastic writer. Love you, JDJ.
